October 25, 2011

Aldi good deal till Sunday

My Aldi (on Hwy 49, Charlotte) have good week on some produce.

They have standard low prices for mushrooms $1.29, carrots $1.19, apples $2.99, celery 0.99

But this week you can find cauliflower for 0.99, grapes said 2.99 but ring for 2.69, pineapple 1.29, pears 1.99 for 3lb, red potatoes 1.99 per 5lb, whole cabbage for 0.69.

Also I found Germany sauerkraut in jar, which does contain only natural stuff. (all the other has all that preserves in them) it was 1.59.

You can not beet this prices for produce. I know is not organic or local, but all is produce made in USA. I hear that all store (Aldi, HT, BI-lo...) buy their produce in Columbia warehouse, so it is coming from the same source just for different money for costumers. But i have to say that for example Harris Teeter, has this week greens (mustard, collar, turnips) for 0.99 and it is local and it taste great.

My rules of produce is seasonal. I don't buy grapes out of season or when is coming from Mexico I wait when is the season here. So, now grapes,apples, pears, oranges taste great. I don't buy now tomatoes or strawberries they coming from Canada (in Aldi).
Prices may vary in different stores.....

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