September 16, 2009

HT summary triple trip, paid $4.11

Harris Teeter trip summary:
VIC card saving: $21.45
Coupons saving: $50.34
Paid: $4.11
Get back: $3
The General Mills promotion will not giving overages, but is all 15 products free. I actually paid for Ice-cream $2.50, GUM children toothbrushes was for 2.39 I got 2.25 off so that is .14 (I wrote about it my previous post, you can print coupon for it. Cost you .14 for two kids toothbrushes) and paid for juice .70, breadcrumbs $1.47
I love that Green Giant promotion I got back $3 for next purchase. Promotion is buy 5 GG veggie and it will print Catalina $3 for next purchase. So if you buy 6 use 3 coupons 50/2 you paid $1.50 and get $3 back.

1 comment:

Timea said...

Great Job Lenka! -how many more veggies can you fit in your freezer, we bought lots of coupons :D hehehe