September 13, 2009

Harris Teeter will triple from 9/16

HT will triple coupons start Wednesday, get ready for it. I will post here some good deals I got.
So far, I print coupons for Green Giant veggie, they may be on sale and with catalina going on maybe free. You can print it HERE. As well I got last triple in HT Tootbrushes for kids duo pack for free, HERE is coupons for .75 off GUM Toothbrush. You can also print Green Gian veggie there as well.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever had trouble with the coupon sites such as giving you viruses? I was told to avoid these sites because of viruses just wondering if this was true.


Lenka said...

Hi Jessica,
I never did and i had coupons bar instalt for couple of months now.